1st Report Fiji August 24 2018

Hello & God Bless You,

I left home on Weds. 8/22 at 6 p.m. so as to catch my 11:30 p.m. flight to Fiji. I did this in order to be among the 1st in line when the Fiji Airway counter opened. I’ve found over the years that this better enables me to gain accommodation for the extra baggage I bring for humanitarian purposes. I am always taking beekeeping equipment, fishing equipment for islanders harmed by natural disasters, church supplies, etc.

I always have at least one extra checked bag or have bags that weigh more than the normal 50K maximum allowance. I get permission in advance for the 7 kilo Fiji Airways grants almost automatically when asked. But I way exceed that rather paltry amount. And because I am now quite well known by the supervisors at the check in counter, if I am in line early, they will waive any extra fees they would normally charge. Last night when I was told by an agent I’d not met before that I needed to pay an extra $150 for my extra bag, I was able to get that waived. This is a real blessing.

The 10 ½ hour flight was uneventful. I had a bulkhead seat with extra leg room. The plane was not full and the seat next to me was empty. As a result I sat in the seat next to the window and was able to arrange myself in such a way that I got about 4-6 hours of sleep. I never sleep on flights, even when I’m upgraded to business class, which has happened on rare occasions. So I felt a lot more refreshed when we got into Nadi ½ hour early. We had a fairly strong tail wind.

Our early arrival resulted in a comedic beginning to my stay. The person who normally operates the sky gate had not come in yet. So several other individuals attempted to make the connection to the plane. Since I was sitting next to the window where all this was happening I got a ringside seat to the hilarious efforts and gaffes of this very intent group of men. The gate would cautiously advance, almost make contact to the skin of the plane, quiver and slip sideways and then be withdrawn. 25 minutes later the woman who normally handled the process rapidly drove up to the sky gate, ran up the stairs, inserted her key and skillfully put things right. There were a lot of embarrassed faces as we made our way out of the plane.

I still had a 2-hour layover before my connecting flight to Suva where I’m staying over this weekend. The international terminal at the Nadi airport has gotten a major face-lift. There is a really 1st rate coffee shop that serves a fantastic breakfast and makes beautiful cappuccino. I downed 2 poached eggs and 2 cappuccinos and had time to read part of a book I’ve been wanting to get to concerning violent depictions of God in the O.T. that seem at variance with God as we see Him revealed in the crucified Jesus. It is turning out to be very interesting and enlightening.

The flight from Nadi to Suva is about 35 minutes. That is about as long as it takes after we arrive to take the taxi from the airport into the city where my hotel is located. I still got there several hours before my room was ready. Since the staff all know me, I was able to check in, leave my luggage behind the counter and take a cab into town where I could begin making arrangements to meet everyone I need to meet during my 3 days in the capitol.

I bought a cheap new Fiji phone and a new external modem to allow connection to the internet at a reasonable rate. The hotel rate is extortionate. That was easily accomplished and I went to my “office” on the 4th floor of a shopping center that overlooks the Suva harbor. It was a glorious day. Despite the humidity, the AC was working quite nicely. After about 4 hours of calls and emails, I was able to arrange all the meeting times with all the necessary contacts for meetings which begin tomorrow. I did not reach the Permanent Secretary for Health, but although I hope to meet with him, I will definitely meet with another doctor through whom I can make all the arrangements required for future outreaches.

I stayed in the sunlight as much as possible to help align my body clock to the 5 hours + 1 day difference in time zones. I’ve become pretty adept at making the transition. However, it is 11:58 p.m. LA time and still only 6:58 p.m. Fiji time and I’m beginning to lag a bit. Will stay up for at least another 3 hours before turning in for hopefully a good night of sleep before beginning important meetings tomorrow a.m. through fairly late in the evening. Still these meetings are all with long-term good friends and ministry partners so I’m very much looking forward to them.

Appreciate your prayers that all the planning meetings will be fruitful. Pray for stamina and good health. Pray that everyone will actually be available as promised.

Thanks and Blessings!


2nd Update, Fiji August 2018